Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thursday, Dec.20

On Thursday the 20th it was an easy going class, we haven't done as much as we usually do.
Ms. K just corrected our homework and that was it for the day. so am here to hook you up with the answers in case u missed them.

Sheet # 1 Falling and Air Resistance
1- (most) a) a= 10m/s2
2- (a,b) b) a= 6m/s2
3- (d,e) c) a= 0m/s2
4- (still downward) d) -2m/s2
5- (c,f) e) a= -10 m/s2
6- (c,f) f) a= 0 m/s2

Sheet # 2 Gravitational fields of force relative to earth

1. Jupiter, 26.10 N/kg
2. Pluto, 0.31 N/kg
3. 3.72 m/s2, 3.72 N/kg
4.Venus or Uranus
5. Neptune
6. Mercury
7. m=55 Kg 550N
8. 92N
9. Fg=3321N
10. 26.10 m/s2

sheet # 3 Falling and Air Resistance

1. Air Resistance = Weight
2. Air Resistance/weight is less
3. 0 N
4. Air Resistance= 100N[up]
5. Fnet increases, acceleration increases
6. Gains more speed in 1st second of fall gains more distance in 9th second
7. Fnet is different for both tennis ball and sand tennis ball, has greater Fnet air resistance has more effect on lighter tennis ball, so its acceleration is less

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007

On Friday's class we did a lab on friction, the equipment that we used for the lab are:

  • 5 bricks
  • a dynamics cart
  • string
  • brown wrapping paper
  • wax paper
  • sand paper
  • plastic wrap
  • 2 spring scales
  • masking tape

Basically we measured the force of friction through many procedures in the lab.

  1. Finish the questions on the last page
  2. Create a graph for table 9-6 (Data and Observations)
Finally the next scribe will be.... Awot!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Nobody scribed this day so I guess I'll scribe it.

We were handed worksheets to work on during Ms. K's absence.

Wow. That was pretty easy.

Oh by the way, Ms. K informed me that we have a test Friday. Bummer.

- Rence

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hello fellow bloggers this is AznFlame today and i'll scribe for today since nobody has scribed since my last post. Well today in class we did a lab to determine the gravitationalfeild strength within the class. We will probably hand in the lab tomorrow.

The next scribe will be Lee.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dynamics Test

Hello follow classmates this is AznFlame here and I will be scribing for all of you today. Well all we did today in class was write the dynamics test. we also got a new booklet from Ms.K titled Gravitational Fields

The next scribe will be Mike.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 12, 2007

Today in class we went over questions 6-10 on Newton's law of motion sheet. After that we also went over questions 1,5, and 7 on the green book. Also, we did a small review about dynamics for tomorrow's test. Thats about it for my scribe. DO NOT FORGET TO STUDY FOR THE TEST. Good luck to everyone and study well. The next scribe will be AznFlame.

Dynamics Review

Newton's Laws Worksheet

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Newton's Laws of Motions

Today in class we started off by correcting our homework which was assigned yesterday.
Here are the answers for 1-5 on the Newton's Laws of Motion sheet:
1. 0.29 m/s2
2. 5 kg
3. 0.53 N/kg
4. 664.4 N
5. 9 N/kg

After, we worked on Forces on an Inclined Plane sheet. The answers are already posted up by Ms. K.
Then we worked on problems 1, 5, and 7 in the green books.
For homework, finish the rest of the Newton's Laws of Motion sheet. Questions 6-10 are due for next class.

Next blogger will beeeeeeee... Mark! byee now!

Inclined Plane

Monday, December 10, 2007

Free-Body Diagrams

Today we correct the free-body diagrams and we have a practice sheet on acting various object. We started to read the Trigonometry handout: the basic trig functions and in there shows us how to find the length of the hypotenuse, opposite, and adjacent.
And the Vectors addition using components with the method how to used.
Scribe for tomorrow is roxanne.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Dec. 7

On Friday.... we got our Kinematics tests back and did corrections. ='(
Then we got into groups, and played on some dusty old "laptops". We practiced on drawing free body diagrams on a program that kept asking annoying questions. Next, we got two worksheets called Free-Body Diagrams and Force-Vector diagrams. That's about it.

Next to scribe is Adriana!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Dec 06, 07 Bloggggg

Okie, so here it is. Yesterdays (lol) blog.

Yesterday's class was pretty easy overall, mostly just worksheets. If you remember from the 4th, we did the lab on acceleration/force, and had to construct a couple graphs from the data, and answer a question. For the beginning of the class we finished up these graphs/questions (if you hadn't been able to do so previously.) Those were handed in upon completion during the class.

After that we were given 3 worksheets on forces and free-body diagrams. One of these was an actual worksheet, the other two were, a.) a bundle with strategies for drawing freebody diagrams and b.) a table showing types of forces, their abbreviations, and what directions they act in. Yesterday we worked on the sheet, "Free-Body Diagrams: Linear Motion" although it didn't need to be handed in at that time.

Well I think that about covers it all, so now its time to announce the next scribe.

That being said, it's Jenny :p

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Newton's 2nd law Lab

I know this is very late. I almost forgot that I'm scribing=( Anyways, like Ms. Kozoriz told us last tuesday, we did a lab for Newton's 2nd law (wed. class). As soon as the class started, Ms. K gave us the sheets for the lab & explained to us what to do. The equipments were all ready, like the rolling carts, pulleys, long boards at the corner of the room.etc. This lab took us the whole period of class and our group didn't finish the graphing part yet where you can see the distance between tucks (in cm) in different time intervals or the acceleration. Sorry if I can't explain that much of it because I don't have the copy of the lab. So if you were away yesterday, just grab the lab sheet and you'll know what I'm talking about=) That's it for today! (Sigh...)

Hmmm...since Jadanet mentioned him already, the next scribe is Justus
don't be mad=P

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Newton's Laws of Motion!

Whoops sorry guys I didn't know I was scribe last week... My apologies!
*ahem . . .

Today we dug right into the textbook first thing to finish Chapter 5 Study Guide. I'm not going to write down all the answers because I'm sure you can get them from your fellow peers, and if I did write them down it'd look ..quite abstract ...

Anyway, one thing you must remember however; If there is no net force on an object, then the object remains at rest, or moves with constant velocity in a straight line.

After we went over the answers to the front side of that study sheet, we received three worksheets based individually on Newton's Laws of Motion; Inertia, Force and Acceleration, and Action and Reaction. We went over the first two worksheets (3-1, and 4-1), and 5-1 was assigned for homework.

Tomorrow we will be doing a lab based on Newton's 2nd Law. We were also told that we would expect a test on Tuesday (Dec. 11th).

Ending my blog post I will choose the next scribe whiiich iiiiss .... (I'm really tempted to choose Justus just to see how mad he'll get this time.. hahaha) but I'll chooooose Jessica!


Monday, December 3, 2007

December 3, 2007 Blog By Vieteran. (Tony)

Today in class we watched a video about Newton's First Law of Inertia and worked on an assignment.

Inertia according to the Wikipedia's dictionary is "a non-quantifiable property of matter by which it remains at rest or in uniform motion in the same straight line unless acted upon by some external force." During the video we had to take down 8 points to what's going on in the video. The video has that University teacher that us students find funny.

After the video we were given an assignment by the teacher, a fill in the blank assignment that is. To find the answers for the blanks, use the green booklet. We'll most likely have some time to complete this assignment in class tomorrow and also correct it.

This concludes this blog.
janet can scribe for Tuesday!!!