Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Vector Assignment 1-9

Acceleration & Instantaneous velocity

Yesterday, we worked on the following formulas: d=v.t( which is only used for constant velocity) and d=((v1+v2)/2)t which is used when changing velocity, we also worked on instantaneous velocity.
Today, we did the corrections to the vector assignment (which is posted on the blog), and worked on the problems given to us from the physics textbook yesterday. Don't forget about the test on Friday.
Janet can scribe for Thursday.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

11 / 26 /07

We didn't really do anything big today, so if you weren't here you have nothing to worry about.
We talked about the difference between constant velocity and changing velocity (acceleration). Make sure you know the difference. We went over Ch.4.1 Study Guide (acceleration).
All we did basically was work on the two acceleration worksheets that we got today. Also the booklet appendix 3.8 was due and don't forget to study for the test on Thursday.
Emman can scribe for Tuesday!!!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thursday's Scribe

Thursday's Class .. November 22/07

all we basically did was cover the very last page of the sample problem booklet. Then ms.kozoriz let us (well who ever wanted to use it) the smart board. Which had to do with the motion sensor. She handed us the assignment that is due on MONDAY NOVEMBER 26/07. The assignment is Appendix 3.8: Motion: Interpreting Position-Time Graphs. And had also handed us notes to look over which was Constant Velocity. Thats what we'll be learning next.

Well have a niiice long weekend =)
Monday's scribe is MIKE!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Friday the 16th

On Friday November the 16th, we only had one assignment that took us the whole class to finish, Pirate Treasure Hunt was the assignment. that's pretty much what we did.

Wednesday class...

For today's class, Ms. K gave us the answers in our worksheet-chapter 3: study guide (the back part). Here are the answers:
Positive and Negative Velocities
  1. postive
  2. negative
  3. positive
  4. right
  5. left
  6. magnitude
  7. positive negative

Instantaneous Velocity

  1. straight
  2. tangent
  3. slope

Velocity-Time Graphs

  1. time
  2. velocity
  3. horizontal
  4. parallel
  5. positive
  6. negative
  7. vertical
  8. displacement
  9. position
  10. position

Then, she gave us another worksheet, mostly, it has a position-time graph. This took most of our time answering it then we went over the answers but I don't think we went over on the very last part. Here's what I've got:

Sample problem

(a) A (b) 750m (c) C (d)
(i) 750m
(ii) 250m
(iii) -750m
(iv) 0

(e) velocity for section A: 5m/s B: 2.5m/s C: 0 D: -3.75m/s

(f) 1500m

Practice (A)

1.   a) .5m/s   b) 0.83m/s    c) 0.6m/s

2 a) 4m b) 3m c) 1m/s

3. a) 160km[N] b) 80km/h[N] c) 0.5h

4 a) 50km/h b) $-1.25/week
c) -.625kg/week d) 50N/m
e) 80kg/m^3 f) -1.5°C/s

That's it for today's class...sorry it's late. Next scribe: Mike???

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November 20's Scribe - By Tony Nguyen

Today's class was pretty simple. All we did was correct the Study Guide 4.2 in class. I think Mrs. Kozoriz uploaded some slides about the corrections so go check it out, it'll save me some time typing out answers.

Anyways, Mrs. Kozoriz gave us some answers in our Vectors assignment which is due on November 21, 2007 in class to be handed in.

This is all we did for class basically. :D Thanks for your time classmates.
Scribe for tomorrow is Melissa

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Grade 11 Kinematics

boo.. so I AM THE BLOGGER FOR TODAY =( but anyways..

Today in class we reviewed what we learned in grade 10 science about position, distance, time, displacement, speed, and velocity.
Remember that distance, time speed are all scalar quantities.
Position, displacement and velocity are all vector quantities.

We also went over the assignment given to us last class - "KINEMATICS-FRAME OF REFERENCE"
So here are the answers for those who were not in class today...
Problem A
1. +9km
2. -5km
3. +6km
4. +4km
5. -16km
6. +1km
7. 14km [W]
8. 21km[E]

Problem B
1. 9km
2. 5km
3. 6km
4. 20km
5. 16km
6. 11km
7. 14km
8. 21km

We also started another worksheet (CHAPTER 3 - Study Guide) which we never got to finish during class so i believe we will go over it next class.

so that is all! and next scribe will be .. YONAS..
kaaay.. BAHHH! (:

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nature of Light Review: Part 2

Hiii! so im scribe today since kadeem told me in class.

So first things first, We started the class by going over questions 17, 18, 19 and 20. Ms K. has posted the answers up already. thanks Ms. k! hehe

Then she gave us a review on the smart board. And went over it with us. and agian she has posted it for everyone. Thanks agian Ms k! She's so nice.

And that is all we did in class today.
Test tomorrow!
GOOD LUCK. everyone!

Next scribe is .... roxee!!)

Problems 17,18,19,20

Nature of Light Review:Part 2

Monday, November 12, 2007

Another Scribe...

Hey, another scribe again (sigh) :(. first things first, we started by going over the Nature of Light questions #13 through 15 which would be in the post previous to mine in the slide Ms. Kozoriz made.
After that, Ms. K made us read The Photoelectric Effect and the Wave-Particle Duality section of our PINK booklets. Here’s a short summary on the back of the book that goes over some of the main points we read about in class:

A photoelectric effect, talks about the discharge of electrons from a metal surface when it is exposed to electromagnetic radiation, (we looked at an example of this on the internet).

The only way electrons are ejected from a metal is if the frequency of the radiation is above a particular minimum value which is referred to as the threshold frequency. This threshold frequency varies with every metal.

Albert Einstein proposed that the energy of light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation is concentrated in discrete bundles of energy called photons. He stated that the amount of energy in each of these bundles was a discrete, fixed amount that depended on the frequency of the light.

When light passes through a medium, its behavior is explained best using wave properties. When light interacts with matter, its behavior is more like that of a particle. Light has a Wave-particle duality.

And don’t forget…

The Principle of Complementarity, this states that “to understand a specific experiment, one must either use the wave or the photon theory but not both”. In general the wave theory best explains the behavior of light when it passes through space or a medium. When light interacts with matter, its behavior is more like that of a particle.

The last thing we did was watch Ms. K play with some dog on a skateboard on a sting for the rest of the period.

The next scribe will be.......i don't know.

Problems 13,14,15,16

Friday, November 9, 2007

Lab: Young's Experiment

Today in class we did a lab, called Young's experiment and for the people who have missed this class here is a picture of the experiment that we have done.

Lab Reminders:
Your results of the wave length of the experiment should be around
wave length red = 6.5 x 10 -7
wave length blue = 4.3 x 10 -7

Problem booklet:
We're going to correct questions 13 14 15 on Monday, and for homework we have to do questions 16 - 19

Finally the next scribe will be.... Pr1nce!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Nov. 8/07

In today's class we went over the pink worksheet about supporting arguments/counter-arguments on the Wave Theory. Then we corrected 9, 10, 11 and 12 in our problem booklet. Next... we read about Young's Experiment starting on page 17, which leads to our lab tomorrow.
Also... do questions 13, 14 and 15 in the problem booklet.

Tomorrow's scribe is Shelly =]


Wave Theory

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wed. Nov. 07/07

It's time to BLOG! *cheer*. It's me Francis! I will be blogging for today, on the 7th of November 2007. We didn't do a whole lot, so this should be quite easy for me.

In class, the first thing that we did was correct questions 5-8 in the pink booklet. The questions were about the Nature of Light. After all those corrections we read pages 12 - 16 in the other pink booklet without the questions. It was about Huygen's principle of light. We at that point got a worksheet that we had to fill in with supporting and countering points about Huygen's theories of different characteristics of light such as rectilinear propagation, reflection, dispersion, etc. That was about it.

Now that I'm done, I have to pick a scribe for tomorrow. The scribe will be stePhanie! Have fun! heh.

Questions 5,6 7,8

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Dual Scribe (Monday Nov .5 + Nov .6)

Monday November 5th

Well since I was chosen as the scribe for yesterdays lesson, (and inevitably forgot to do the actual blog) I'll be your lovely blog guide for both yesterday AND today.

Yesterdays class we first corrected questions 1 and 3 from the supplementary question booklet.

Those answers are as follows.

1.) When a "particle" such as a steel ball strikes a hard surface, it's speed is usually reduced. If the speed of light were reduced how would the light appear to be different after the reflection as compared to the incoming light beam? (You will need to use your knowledge of how the speed of light, the wavelength of light, and the frequency are related from your previous work on waves.)

So the answer to this question quite simply is that the colour of the light would change. If the Beam of light slowed down, then the distances between the particles of ligh would also change (the wavelength.) With changes in wavelength, changes in colour also occur.

3.) From the Brief descriptions given above of Planck's quantum hypothesis, how does it compare with newtons corpuscular theory?

With this question the answer is also equally simple. Planck's quantum hypothesis describes light as, "bundles or packets of energy" while the corpuscular theory describes it as particles. Both have similar ideas on how light exists.

With those questions out of the way we were given pages 8-11 to read, (Determining the Speed of light.) and were handed out a worksheet (Contributions to the Determination of the Speed of Light.) You were allowed to work on this sheet if you so choose. On the contributions worksheet you were to find information about ONE of the scientists seen in pages 8-11 (either in the booklet or on the internet.

Tuesday November 6th

Today we started working on the worksheet from Monday (Contributions to the Determination of the Speed of Light) which is finished, is to be handed in (however it isn't due until Wednesday.) Once finished the Contributions worksheet, you were to Do problems 5-8 in your pink problem booklet which are due tomorrow (as we're going to o over them.)

Alright, now that I'm finished, its time for the best part.

to choose the next scribe.

Which we already know to be Francis :)

Aight' den. Justus out.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Friday November 2, 2007

On Friday class, we did some practice about " The nature of Light and Newton's Corpuscular Theory " in the worksheet. You can find the answers for those questions on the post of Miss K. We also received the new booklet : The Nature of Light : The wave and particles models of light problems, so don't forget to do the questions number 1 and 3.
Scribe for Monday is Justus.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Friday's class, October 26th

Hello fellow bloggers.

Sorry for the late reply, as we speak I just finally figured the problem with my computer.

So last Friday we had a pretty simple class, we basically did some review on graphing to get ready for the test.

We started off by working on a graphing worksheet which we corrected in class. We then read page 17 in our pink booklet and finished off class working on a worksheet questions 1-5, Which I believe you can find the answers to on the blog.

That about sums up the class. The regular scribe for tomorrow is still the same, again sorry for the late post. Remember to hand in any late assignments now before the terms marks are in, good luck.

Post Halloween scribe

Hello everyone,

This is mark your scribe for today. Today in class we read pages 3-8 on our pink booklet. Then after that we were supposed to answer the sheet called "chart for evaluating the models of light". Lastly, after we finish the sheets we were supposed to read pages 8-11 on our booklets. I will conclude this scribe by assigning NGUYEN as the scribe for tomorrow's class.

Thats it, good night everyone!