Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thursday, Dec.20

On Thursday the 20th it was an easy going class, we haven't done as much as we usually do.
Ms. K just corrected our homework and that was it for the day. so am here to hook you up with the answers in case u missed them.

Sheet # 1 Falling and Air Resistance
1- (most) a) a= 10m/s2
2- (a,b) b) a= 6m/s2
3- (d,e) c) a= 0m/s2
4- (still downward) d) -2m/s2
5- (c,f) e) a= -10 m/s2
6- (c,f) f) a= 0 m/s2

Sheet # 2 Gravitational fields of force relative to earth

1. Jupiter, 26.10 N/kg
2. Pluto, 0.31 N/kg
3. 3.72 m/s2, 3.72 N/kg
4.Venus or Uranus
5. Neptune
6. Mercury
7. m=55 Kg 550N
8. 92N
9. Fg=3321N
10. 26.10 m/s2

sheet # 3 Falling and Air Resistance

1. Air Resistance = Weight
2. Air Resistance/weight is less
3. 0 N
4. Air Resistance= 100N[up]
5. Fnet increases, acceleration increases
6. Gains more speed in 1st second of fall gains more distance in 9th second
7. Fnet is different for both tennis ball and sand tennis ball, has greater Fnet air resistance has more effect on lighter tennis ball, so its acceleration is less

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Friday, December 21, 2007

On Friday's class we did a lab on friction, the equipment that we used for the lab are:

  • 5 bricks
  • a dynamics cart
  • string
  • brown wrapping paper
  • wax paper
  • sand paper
  • plastic wrap
  • 2 spring scales
  • masking tape

Basically we measured the force of friction through many procedures in the lab.

  1. Finish the questions on the last page
  2. Create a graph for table 9-6 (Data and Observations)
Finally the next scribe will be.... Awot!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Nobody scribed this day so I guess I'll scribe it.

We were handed worksheets to work on during Ms. K's absence.

Wow. That was pretty easy.

Oh by the way, Ms. K informed me that we have a test Friday. Bummer.

- Rence

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hello fellow bloggers this is AznFlame today and i'll scribe for today since nobody has scribed since my last post. Well today in class we did a lab to determine the gravitationalfeild strength within the class. We will probably hand in the lab tomorrow.

The next scribe will be Lee.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dynamics Test

Hello follow classmates this is AznFlame here and I will be scribing for all of you today. Well all we did today in class was write the dynamics test. we also got a new booklet from Ms.K titled Gravitational Fields

The next scribe will be Mike.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

December 12, 2007

Today in class we went over questions 6-10 on Newton's law of motion sheet. After that we also went over questions 1,5, and 7 on the green book. Also, we did a small review about dynamics for tomorrow's test. Thats about it for my scribe. DO NOT FORGET TO STUDY FOR THE TEST. Good luck to everyone and study well. The next scribe will be AznFlame.

Dynamics Review

Newton's Laws Worksheet

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Newton's Laws of Motions

Today in class we started off by correcting our homework which was assigned yesterday.
Here are the answers for 1-5 on the Newton's Laws of Motion sheet:
1. 0.29 m/s2
2. 5 kg
3. 0.53 N/kg
4. 664.4 N
5. 9 N/kg

After, we worked on Forces on an Inclined Plane sheet. The answers are already posted up by Ms. K.
Then we worked on problems 1, 5, and 7 in the green books.
For homework, finish the rest of the Newton's Laws of Motion sheet. Questions 6-10 are due for next class.

Next blogger will beeeeeeee... Mark! byee now!

Inclined Plane

Monday, December 10, 2007

Free-Body Diagrams

Today we correct the free-body diagrams and we have a practice sheet on acting various object. We started to read the Trigonometry handout: the basic trig functions and in there shows us how to find the length of the hypotenuse, opposite, and adjacent.
And the Vectors addition using components with the method how to used.
Scribe for tomorrow is roxanne.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Dec. 7

On Friday.... we got our Kinematics tests back and did corrections. ='(
Then we got into groups, and played on some dusty old "laptops". We practiced on drawing free body diagrams on a program that kept asking annoying questions. Next, we got two worksheets called Free-Body Diagrams and Force-Vector diagrams. That's about it.

Next to scribe is Adriana!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Dec 06, 07 Bloggggg

Okie, so here it is. Yesterdays (lol) blog.

Yesterday's class was pretty easy overall, mostly just worksheets. If you remember from the 4th, we did the lab on acceleration/force, and had to construct a couple graphs from the data, and answer a question. For the beginning of the class we finished up these graphs/questions (if you hadn't been able to do so previously.) Those were handed in upon completion during the class.

After that we were given 3 worksheets on forces and free-body diagrams. One of these was an actual worksheet, the other two were, a.) a bundle with strategies for drawing freebody diagrams and b.) a table showing types of forces, their abbreviations, and what directions they act in. Yesterday we worked on the sheet, "Free-Body Diagrams: Linear Motion" although it didn't need to be handed in at that time.

Well I think that about covers it all, so now its time to announce the next scribe.

That being said, it's Jenny :p

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Newton's 2nd law Lab

I know this is very late. I almost forgot that I'm scribing=( Anyways, like Ms. Kozoriz told us last tuesday, we did a lab for Newton's 2nd law (wed. class). As soon as the class started, Ms. K gave us the sheets for the lab & explained to us what to do. The equipments were all ready, like the rolling carts, pulleys, long boards at the corner of the room.etc. This lab took us the whole period of class and our group didn't finish the graphing part yet where you can see the distance between tucks (in cm) in different time intervals or the acceleration. Sorry if I can't explain that much of it because I don't have the copy of the lab. So if you were away yesterday, just grab the lab sheet and you'll know what I'm talking about=) That's it for today! (Sigh...)

Hmmm...since Jadanet mentioned him already, the next scribe is Justus
don't be mad=P

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Newton's Laws of Motion!

Whoops sorry guys I didn't know I was scribe last week... My apologies!
*ahem . . .

Today we dug right into the textbook first thing to finish Chapter 5 Study Guide. I'm not going to write down all the answers because I'm sure you can get them from your fellow peers, and if I did write them down it'd look ..quite abstract ...

Anyway, one thing you must remember however; If there is no net force on an object, then the object remains at rest, or moves with constant velocity in a straight line.

After we went over the answers to the front side of that study sheet, we received three worksheets based individually on Newton's Laws of Motion; Inertia, Force and Acceleration, and Action and Reaction. We went over the first two worksheets (3-1, and 4-1), and 5-1 was assigned for homework.

Tomorrow we will be doing a lab based on Newton's 2nd Law. We were also told that we would expect a test on Tuesday (Dec. 11th).

Ending my blog post I will choose the next scribe whiiich iiiiss .... (I'm really tempted to choose Justus just to see how mad he'll get this time.. hahaha) but I'll chooooose Jessica!


Monday, December 3, 2007

December 3, 2007 Blog By Vieteran. (Tony)

Today in class we watched a video about Newton's First Law of Inertia and worked on an assignment.

Inertia according to the Wikipedia's dictionary is "a non-quantifiable property of matter by which it remains at rest or in uniform motion in the same straight line unless acted upon by some external force." During the video we had to take down 8 points to what's going on in the video. The video has that University teacher that us students find funny.

After the video we were given an assignment by the teacher, a fill in the blank assignment that is. To find the answers for the blanks, use the green booklet. We'll most likely have some time to complete this assignment in class tomorrow and also correct it.

This concludes this blog.
janet can scribe for Tuesday!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Vector Assignment 1-9

Acceleration & Instantaneous velocity

Yesterday, we worked on the following formulas: d=v.t( which is only used for constant velocity) and d=((v1+v2)/2)t which is used when changing velocity, we also worked on instantaneous velocity.
Today, we did the corrections to the vector assignment (which is posted on the blog), and worked on the problems given to us from the physics textbook yesterday. Don't forget about the test on Friday.
Janet can scribe for Thursday.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

11 / 26 /07

We didn't really do anything big today, so if you weren't here you have nothing to worry about.
We talked about the difference between constant velocity and changing velocity (acceleration). Make sure you know the difference. We went over Ch.4.1 Study Guide (acceleration).
All we did basically was work on the two acceleration worksheets that we got today. Also the booklet appendix 3.8 was due and don't forget to study for the test on Thursday.
Emman can scribe for Tuesday!!!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thursday's Scribe

Thursday's Class .. November 22/07

all we basically did was cover the very last page of the sample problem booklet. Then ms.kozoriz let us (well who ever wanted to use it) the smart board. Which had to do with the motion sensor. She handed us the assignment that is due on MONDAY NOVEMBER 26/07. The assignment is Appendix 3.8: Motion: Interpreting Position-Time Graphs. And had also handed us notes to look over which was Constant Velocity. Thats what we'll be learning next.

Well have a niiice long weekend =)
Monday's scribe is MIKE!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Friday the 16th

On Friday November the 16th, we only had one assignment that took us the whole class to finish, Pirate Treasure Hunt was the assignment. that's pretty much what we did.

Wednesday class...

For today's class, Ms. K gave us the answers in our worksheet-chapter 3: study guide (the back part). Here are the answers:
Positive and Negative Velocities
  1. postive
  2. negative
  3. positive
  4. right
  5. left
  6. magnitude
  7. positive negative

Instantaneous Velocity

  1. straight
  2. tangent
  3. slope

Velocity-Time Graphs

  1. time
  2. velocity
  3. horizontal
  4. parallel
  5. positive
  6. negative
  7. vertical
  8. displacement
  9. position
  10. position

Then, she gave us another worksheet, mostly, it has a position-time graph. This took most of our time answering it then we went over the answers but I don't think we went over on the very last part. Here's what I've got:

Sample problem

(a) A (b) 750m (c) C (d)
(i) 750m
(ii) 250m
(iii) -750m
(iv) 0

(e) velocity for section A: 5m/s B: 2.5m/s C: 0 D: -3.75m/s

(f) 1500m

Practice (A)

1.   a) .5m/s   b) 0.83m/s    c) 0.6m/s

2 a) 4m b) 3m c) 1m/s

3. a) 160km[N] b) 80km/h[N] c) 0.5h

4 a) 50km/h b) $-1.25/week
c) -.625kg/week d) 50N/m
e) 80kg/m^3 f) -1.5°C/s

That's it for today's class...sorry it's late. Next scribe: Mike???

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November 20's Scribe - By Tony Nguyen

Today's class was pretty simple. All we did was correct the Study Guide 4.2 in class. I think Mrs. Kozoriz uploaded some slides about the corrections so go check it out, it'll save me some time typing out answers.

Anyways, Mrs. Kozoriz gave us some answers in our Vectors assignment which is due on November 21, 2007 in class to be handed in.

This is all we did for class basically. :D Thanks for your time classmates.
Scribe for tomorrow is Melissa

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Grade 11 Kinematics

boo.. so I AM THE BLOGGER FOR TODAY =( but anyways..

Today in class we reviewed what we learned in grade 10 science about position, distance, time, displacement, speed, and velocity.
Remember that distance, time speed are all scalar quantities.
Position, displacement and velocity are all vector quantities.

We also went over the assignment given to us last class - "KINEMATICS-FRAME OF REFERENCE"
So here are the answers for those who were not in class today...
Problem A
1. +9km
2. -5km
3. +6km
4. +4km
5. -16km
6. +1km
7. 14km [W]
8. 21km[E]

Problem B
1. 9km
2. 5km
3. 6km
4. 20km
5. 16km
6. 11km
7. 14km
8. 21km

We also started another worksheet (CHAPTER 3 - Study Guide) which we never got to finish during class so i believe we will go over it next class.

so that is all! and next scribe will be .. YONAS..
kaaay.. BAHHH! (:

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Nature of Light Review: Part 2

Hiii! so im scribe today since kadeem told me in class.

So first things first, We started the class by going over questions 17, 18, 19 and 20. Ms K. has posted the answers up already. thanks Ms. k! hehe

Then she gave us a review on the smart board. And went over it with us. and agian she has posted it for everyone. Thanks agian Ms k! She's so nice.

And that is all we did in class today.
Test tomorrow!
GOOD LUCK. everyone!

Next scribe is .... roxee!!)

Problems 17,18,19,20

Nature of Light Review:Part 2

Monday, November 12, 2007

Another Scribe...

Hey, another scribe again (sigh) :(. first things first, we started by going over the Nature of Light questions #13 through 15 which would be in the post previous to mine in the slide Ms. Kozoriz made.
After that, Ms. K made us read The Photoelectric Effect and the Wave-Particle Duality section of our PINK booklets. Here’s a short summary on the back of the book that goes over some of the main points we read about in class:

A photoelectric effect, talks about the discharge of electrons from a metal surface when it is exposed to electromagnetic radiation, (we looked at an example of this on the internet).

The only way electrons are ejected from a metal is if the frequency of the radiation is above a particular minimum value which is referred to as the threshold frequency. This threshold frequency varies with every metal.

Albert Einstein proposed that the energy of light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation is concentrated in discrete bundles of energy called photons. He stated that the amount of energy in each of these bundles was a discrete, fixed amount that depended on the frequency of the light.

When light passes through a medium, its behavior is explained best using wave properties. When light interacts with matter, its behavior is more like that of a particle. Light has a Wave-particle duality.

And don’t forget…

The Principle of Complementarity, this states that “to understand a specific experiment, one must either use the wave or the photon theory but not both”. In general the wave theory best explains the behavior of light when it passes through space or a medium. When light interacts with matter, its behavior is more like that of a particle.

The last thing we did was watch Ms. K play with some dog on a skateboard on a sting for the rest of the period.

The next scribe will be.......i don't know.

Problems 13,14,15,16

Friday, November 9, 2007

Lab: Young's Experiment

Today in class we did a lab, called Young's experiment and for the people who have missed this class here is a picture of the experiment that we have done.

Lab Reminders:
Your results of the wave length of the experiment should be around
wave length red = 6.5 x 10 -7
wave length blue = 4.3 x 10 -7

Problem booklet:
We're going to correct questions 13 14 15 on Monday, and for homework we have to do questions 16 - 19

Finally the next scribe will be.... Pr1nce!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Nov. 8/07

In today's class we went over the pink worksheet about supporting arguments/counter-arguments on the Wave Theory. Then we corrected 9, 10, 11 and 12 in our problem booklet. Next... we read about Young's Experiment starting on page 17, which leads to our lab tomorrow.
Also... do questions 13, 14 and 15 in the problem booklet.

Tomorrow's scribe is Shelly =]


Wave Theory

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Wed. Nov. 07/07

It's time to BLOG! *cheer*. It's me Francis! I will be blogging for today, on the 7th of November 2007. We didn't do a whole lot, so this should be quite easy for me.

In class, the first thing that we did was correct questions 5-8 in the pink booklet. The questions were about the Nature of Light. After all those corrections we read pages 12 - 16 in the other pink booklet without the questions. It was about Huygen's principle of light. We at that point got a worksheet that we had to fill in with supporting and countering points about Huygen's theories of different characteristics of light such as rectilinear propagation, reflection, dispersion, etc. That was about it.

Now that I'm done, I have to pick a scribe for tomorrow. The scribe will be stePhanie! Have fun! heh.

Questions 5,6 7,8

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Dual Scribe (Monday Nov .5 + Nov .6)

Monday November 5th

Well since I was chosen as the scribe for yesterdays lesson, (and inevitably forgot to do the actual blog) I'll be your lovely blog guide for both yesterday AND today.

Yesterdays class we first corrected questions 1 and 3 from the supplementary question booklet.

Those answers are as follows.

1.) When a "particle" such as a steel ball strikes a hard surface, it's speed is usually reduced. If the speed of light were reduced how would the light appear to be different after the reflection as compared to the incoming light beam? (You will need to use your knowledge of how the speed of light, the wavelength of light, and the frequency are related from your previous work on waves.)

So the answer to this question quite simply is that the colour of the light would change. If the Beam of light slowed down, then the distances between the particles of ligh would also change (the wavelength.) With changes in wavelength, changes in colour also occur.

3.) From the Brief descriptions given above of Planck's quantum hypothesis, how does it compare with newtons corpuscular theory?

With this question the answer is also equally simple. Planck's quantum hypothesis describes light as, "bundles or packets of energy" while the corpuscular theory describes it as particles. Both have similar ideas on how light exists.

With those questions out of the way we were given pages 8-11 to read, (Determining the Speed of light.) and were handed out a worksheet (Contributions to the Determination of the Speed of Light.) You were allowed to work on this sheet if you so choose. On the contributions worksheet you were to find information about ONE of the scientists seen in pages 8-11 (either in the booklet or on the internet.

Tuesday November 6th

Today we started working on the worksheet from Monday (Contributions to the Determination of the Speed of Light) which is finished, is to be handed in (however it isn't due until Wednesday.) Once finished the Contributions worksheet, you were to Do problems 5-8 in your pink problem booklet which are due tomorrow (as we're going to o over them.)

Alright, now that I'm finished, its time for the best part.

to choose the next scribe.

Which we already know to be Francis :)

Aight' den. Justus out.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Friday November 2, 2007

On Friday class, we did some practice about " The nature of Light and Newton's Corpuscular Theory " in the worksheet. You can find the answers for those questions on the post of Miss K. We also received the new booklet : The Nature of Light : The wave and particles models of light problems, so don't forget to do the questions number 1 and 3.
Scribe for Monday is Justus.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Friday's class, October 26th

Hello fellow bloggers.

Sorry for the late reply, as we speak I just finally figured the problem with my computer.

So last Friday we had a pretty simple class, we basically did some review on graphing to get ready for the test.

We started off by working on a graphing worksheet which we corrected in class. We then read page 17 in our pink booklet and finished off class working on a worksheet questions 1-5, Which I believe you can find the answers to on the blog.

That about sums up the class. The regular scribe for tomorrow is still the same, again sorry for the late post. Remember to hand in any late assignments now before the terms marks are in, good luck.

Post Halloween scribe

Hello everyone,

This is mark your scribe for today. Today in class we read pages 3-8 on our pink booklet. Then after that we were supposed to answer the sheet called "chart for evaluating the models of light". Lastly, after we finish the sheets we were supposed to read pages 8-11 on our booklets. I will conclude this scribe by assigning NGUYEN as the scribe for tomorrow's class.

Thats it, good night everyone!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Nature of Light

Hello everyone this is AznFlame here and I'm the scribe for today. Well for all of you that weren't in class today we got our tests back and corrected it. We also corrected the nature of light theory sheet that we got handed yesterday.

the next scribe will be m@rk

Early Theories of Light

NOL 1 Test Answers

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

October 30, 2007 - Class Before The Threat.

Class - October 30, 2007
Blogger : Vieteran
Blogger For Tomorrow : Unknown.

Today in class we wrote a test which was mainly what we did in class. To me, it seemed the test was quite simple besides some definitions I might get wrong, I feel as if I did well because I studied quite awhile for the test.

After the test we received a new booklet. The booklet is called "The Nature of Light : Part The Wave and Particle Models of Light". We are supposed to read pages 2, 3, 4. After reading, we received an assignment.

For this assignment we are supposed to find when the theories for Tactile, Emission, Particle and Wave were made, by who and how they describe light. No, after doing this you're not finished. You have to draw a diagram for each theory on the back of the page.

This concludes this blog.

PS : Today was Awot's birthday. Happy Birthday Bro.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Nature of Light

Today in class we continued the lab that we did yesterday (Wednesday), which was measuring a lid's circumference and diameter using a piece of string and a ruler. It also involved graphing and finding the slope of the graph. After we were done, we handed it to the teacher.

After that Mrs. k handed out three worksheets for us to work on in class. One of the sheets was a graph speed vs time and we had to find the slope of that. On the second sheet we were working on graphing techniques. On the third one we were doing visualizing data.

That was the things we did in class today!

REMINDER we have a TEST on Tuesday. so make sure you study!

Lee will scribe for Friday.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

SOund Test Anwers

the test correction

Today we correct the test from Sound . Later we did some reading about the Experiment and modes of representation that they tell about the visual mode that to help eventually derive a mathematical relationship between force and stretch. The numeral mode the representation, that we must define with the measure and measurement to collect the data. The graph mode is a graph that represent the mathematical picture and the relationship that came in the graph of the data. The symbolic mode this is for the relationship that which this law is usually written, the amount of weight that added and is represent the relationship as the algebraic formula. And the last thing that we did was a lab. We found the relationship between the circumference of a lid and its diameter. Next scribe is AWOT.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

nature of light: part 1

we were given a pink booklet, as a starter, for our new unit: "nature of light", in it, we studied scientific laws, and theories and model, then we did a little lab (called the Black Box)on observation and some other stuffs
Scribe for tomorrow is adriana

Monday, October 22, 2007

test day

..we had a test about Physics sound unit..

..i think thats the only thing we did for the whole physics period..

..and thats it..


Scribe for tomorrow is Emman

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Scribe post for Friday, Oct. 19th

Hey guys! Sorry it took me a while to scribe, but it's the weekend so no worries.
Well, we started our new unit in class on friday, Significant Figures. We got a few worksheets on the rules, information and practice questions.

Some tricky ones (I found were tricky at least..) was..
1) 3.007 km
that zero is significant because it is between two significant figures (3 and 7)
* rule: zeros between two other significant digits are always significant
2) 819 000.0 g
this measurement has seven significant figures
* rule:
all final zeros after the decimal point are significant
3) 60 000 x 103 g
this measurement has only 1 sig fig.
* rule:
zeros used only for spacing the decimal point are not significant

We also did some practice on sig. figs with mathematical calculations. Takes some extra thinking but we'll get used to it ... Oh and we also did some unit conversions.
That should pretty much cover the class... Test tomorrow! (Monday) Study hardy! Good luck everyone :)

Oh yeah scribe ... (WOW they'll have an easy scribe, just say we had a test?) Is ... um.. hanz?

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Todays class we read out of our yellow booklets, which consists of our Sound Unit... Starting from page 19 continuing until 22.. (I think). Following the reading, we were assigned questions 22, 23, 26 & 27, which are all on page 29 of the booklet.

Answers to the questions are:

22) (5/4) x 384 = 480 Hz -> B Note.

23) a. Fundamental Frequency = largest one, or line at the far left.
b. number of Harmonics would not be the same
c. White Noise would have all the same size bars

26) C4 = 256 Hz
C5 = 512 Hz (1 octave)
C6 = 1024 Hz (2 octave)

27) Both instruments produce harmonics for the fundamental frequencies. But the amplitude and harmonics are different.

Awot is to scribe for Friday.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wednesday, October 17

Hello fellow classmates. Sorry for blogging so late. To be honest I completely forgot.

Anyways, here's what we did in class today. We got the Sound Waves worksheet handed back to us from the 15th. We also watched the laser disc slide thinger again and wrote a sentence for each chapter we watched as a sort of guideline for the test.

We went over the answers for questions 1, 2, 6, 11, 14, 17, 18 and 19 and also did a lab. Our lab was Making a Straw Oboe, and basically we snipped the flatten end of a straws to make it pointed and blew through them to make a sound. (which got very annoying at the end by the way *ahem, ahem*) =P

The lab worksheet is due tomorrow, don't forget to do it.

Oh and here are the answers to the questions in our yellow booklets (again.. because I'm sooo nice)

1. Animals that rely on an acute sense of hearing for survival often have large external ear parts. The large ears intercept and direct more of the sound energy into the auditory system than small outer ears do.

3. 0 - 3 dB

(10 x 10 x 10 = 1000x)

6. 40 dB -----> 80 dB

40 - 50 = 10x

40 - 60 = 10 x 10

40 - 70 = 10 x 10 x 10

40 - 80 = 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000x

11. a) 5 seconds b) f = 1/T = 1/5s = 0.2 Hz

14. 440 Hz + 5 = 445 Hz & 436 + 9 = 445 Hz

Frequency = 445 Hz

17. Wavelength increased in water.

18. Lower frequency.

19. Higher frequency.

The next scribe will be Crystal.. only because his name rhymes with Me. haha =)

Alrighty later days. See you folks tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tues., Oct. 16/07

Today in class we read pages 7-15 in the yellow booklet about sound waves, excluding page 9 because it was the lab we did with the tube submerged in water in another tube where we had to use a tuning fork to listen to when the sound is louder or quieter. On page 27 we did problems 1,2,6,11, 14 and 17-19, if you're not done, do it for homework!
That's pretty much all we did in class.
The next scribe will be sonson. Whoever that is.

Standing Waves

Monday, October 15, 2007


I am here... once again, to blog. For some odd reason, I still don't get why all the language when i log onto blogger, is in hangul (korean)... I really just don't get it. But whatever. And just to inform you, I didn't not change my name (Mr.Lawrence --> Rence) in an attempt to dodge bloggin today. And on another note, I so did not break the hammer on purpose. The energy from the tuning fork just happend to bounce back and release some force back into the hammer then... snap. So, yeah haha.

Anyways, today we basically jsut corrected answers so I'll start w/ the ones from the yellow booklet.

a) Intensity = energy transported past a given area /time. Objective number. Loudness = depends on the amplitude of the wave.
b) Frequency = vibrations per second *Objective measure* Pitch = Perception of sound *subjective*

Note: Objective means that its non selective while subjective means its selective hearing, etc. For example, volume on a television might be louder to one person compared to another person.

9) 20Hz -> 20, 000 Hz. The range is called the audio spectrum

a) 5 Hertz
b) t=1/f=1/5=0.2 seconds.

Thats that for the yellow booklet. Then we went over the worksheet we had to do over the weekend.

Worksheet answers:

1) 344 m/s

2) air = 340.4 m/s wood = 4000m/s vwood/vair = 4000 m/s /340.4m/s = 12x faster in wood.

3) a) 4.1km b) 4.16km c)4.31km d) 4.01km

4) wavelength = 0.38cm

5) 640m

6) 13.3 C

7)a)347m/s b)323m/s

8) 344.6m/s

And that's about it for today's blog. We also got handed out a sheet of five questions. You only have to do the first four, but if you feel like having a crack at number five, by all means. G'niight all. I gotta stop staying up so late.


P.S. The next blogger will be... *Throws pokeball* Francis, I choose you!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Speed of Sound lab

Thursday October 10/07

Well today in physics we did a lab. It was on The Speed Of Sound. For this lab we had 2 graduated cylinders, one filled with hot water and one filled with ice water. In each of the graduated cylinders there were glass tubes. We had to take a tunning fork, hit it on the bottom of our shoe or with a rubber hammer so it would make noise. Then hold it over the glass tube and slowly bring up the glass tube with the tunning fork. We had to measure the Loud Sound and the Quiet Sound with a meter stick. We then had to find the wavelength and the velocity of each. We had to answer some questions at the bottom of the page. Ms.k then gave us a handout worksheet "Grade 11 Physics: Unit 1.3 Sound".

Have a fun weekend =)
Mr. Lawrence can scribe for Monday's class because he broke Ms K's rubber hammer:((

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tuesday ,October 9, 2007

Hello, hello. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving long weekend. But here we are back in school.. go figure. I'm fairly new to this whole blog thing, so please.. be gentle.

In class we read over pages 3 to 6 in our yellow booklet, Sound Unit.

We also worked on the sound worksheet given to us in class and corrected it.
Here are the answers to the worksheet (only because I am soo nice)
  1. longitudinal
  2. pitch
  3. 2.5 cm
  4. long
  5. a) behind b) 9 seconds
  6. solids
  7. 4 seconds
  8. will not.. every other push will oppose the motion of the swing
  9. 220 hertz
  10. slightly different frequencies
  11. 4 hertz
  12. 332 m/s + (0.6)(20) = 344 m/s

Homework: Do questions 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in the yellow booklet.

Alrighty then, later days.

Scribe for tomorrow is Hao

Friday, October 5, 2007

Waves in 2D Test


Hey fellow classmates, I'm Roxee and I will be the blogger for today's class.

Today, we watched a video titled : Vibrations and Sound. This video was practically a review of what we had learned in previous lessons. During this video, we had to jot down six points and hand it in by the end of the day, such things as: Amplitude = A, frequency = f, the normal is the equilibrium, time is stated as period and such. It also mentioned sound and light waves. Transverse and longitudinal waves were also reviewed, as well as interference. He then started to talk about Laser disks, which were practically like vinyl records but looked a lot like compact disks. We learned that the speed of the disk travels faster on the outside of the disk, rather than the inside.

Later on after the video, we received our tests back and went over the answers.

That's all for today kids. The next scribe shall be...


Thursday, October 4, 2007

Why Me

So today I was picked to be scribe by I don’t who, and I don’t care all I know is that I’m not impressed because I worked ‘til 10:30 and I have lots of other homework to do on top of this. Nonetheless today we started the last section of our Waves unit on SOUND.
The whole period we worked on a lab assignment (Sounds and Their Sources) which was due today. So I guess ill just go over the questions with the answers I got, (MIND that my answers my not be all correct because I’m not “Chris Cadonic”.
F.Y.I: The scribe will be announced at the end of this scribe.

Musical Rulers
1. The ruler vibrates to produce the sound. The less amount of ruler off the edge of the table, the less vibration occurs.

2. The pitch of the sound is determined by the amount of the ruler there is hanging of the edge of the table. The more off the edge of the table, the lower the pitch.

3. The sound can be made louder or softer by the amount of pressure you use to pluck the ruler. The more pressure you add to your pluck, the louder and sound and the less pressure the softer the sound.

Sound from a Tuning Fork
1. You can turn to page 3 in our Sound booklet, if I had more time I would demonstrate my mastery skills on paint, but I don’t so too bad. Page 3 had a diagram of what your sketch should resemble

2. Striking the tuning fork harder makes the sound make louder then just striking it normal.

3. The frequency is responsible for the different sounds of the two tuning forks, because they vibrate freely; the frequency depends on the length between the pendulums. The shorter the pendulums the higher the frequency.

Sound from a Graduated Cylinder
1. The sound changes depending on the level the water is at in the cylinder. The less amount of water in the cylinder the lower the pitch gets.

2. To make the sound louder you need to blow closer to the open end of the graduated cylinder.

3. The air molecules are vibrating to produce the sound. The molecules are being compressed and stretched.
4. Our predictions were correct, as we added water while blowing the sound gradually got higher.

5. A possible explanation for the change in sound would be that there was either less or more space for the air to travel, therefore changing the sound.

So that’s all the answers to the lab we did in class today. I hope I never has to do another scribe in this class again (I did my fair share of scribes in grade 12 AP pre calculus with Mr. K).

AND THE SCRIBE IS…………………………………..

I have no idea so ill tell in class tomorrow.
It will be roxee!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Waves in 2D Test

Sorry I'm late, but had work.. anyways, today's class was our test which covered the Waves in Two Dimensions unit. The test wasn't THAT bad, it could of been worse. Most students took almost the entire class to complete the test, so that was basically all we had accomplished today.
Scribe for tomorrow is Pr1nce!!

Waves in 2D Review

Monday, October 1, 2007

Interference Exercise

hm mm, fortunately today's class was short because we had to go and get our pictures taken
so we didn't do much work in class. All we did was watching interference video and correcting the Interference Exercise.

Here are the answers for the interference exercise we did:

1 a) the answer is basically drawing a line on the third nodal line
b) Constructive Interference
c) 10 Nodal Lines
d) 2 cm
e) 2.5 Hz
2 a) 9.0 cm
b) 58.5 cm/s
3 a) drawing 4Th nodal lines
b) Destructive
c) 4
d) 13.2 cm

Oh yeah Ms. K assigned # 16 - 17 on the '' Green Booklet"

Hey people don't forget to complete the '' Waves in Two Dimension- Review sheet, because it's helpful and it will prepare you for the test on Wednesday. If you're still struggling with constructive interference, destructive interference and interference wave, here you can visit this great site

The next scribe will be..... I dont no


Sorry I'm late . Today I'll tell about what we studied on last Thursday (Refraction).
When a wave travels at an angle into a medium in which its speed is less, the refracted wave ray is bent (refracted) towards the normal. For example, when a wave ray travels from deep water to shallow water, the angle of refraction is smaller than the angle of incidence. And when a wave ray travel from shallow water to deep water, the angle of refraction is bigger than the angle of incidence. Don't forget to do the Worksheet 23 and exercises about refraction.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Friday's Class September 28

Hello fellow bloggers,

Sorry for being a couple days late as I had computer problems, but alas here I am with Fridays blog.

We started off class correcting questions 9-14 in the green booklet which was due Friday. If you missed them here they are:

9. Station A
10.200 meters
11.294 Hz
13 a.Red
13 b.Red
14. 400 meters

We also corrected the worksheet Refraction pg.31 up to question 4. Again if you were not at class, Ms. K has uploaded the answers to the blog. After that we received a worksheet called Interference Exercises and read pages 16-18 in the green booklet on interference.

And lastly we received a review for the upcoming test on Wednesday. (not 100% sure on the date) So remember to study hard and prepare for it. Also remember to ask any questions you have in class.

The next scribe will be...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Refraction Worksheet

Refraction and Diffraction

Diffraction occurs when waves that are travelling in a straight line, change their direction by hitting another object. The wavefronts are bent around the object. The direction of a motion of the wavefront and indicate the wave ray drawn and the right angle. Refraction we will use in rays. When a wave travel in from one depth of water to another, there is a in change direction, and the refracted wave ray is bent (refracted) towards normal. The angle of incidence is shown between the normal and the incident wave ray.
And the work that we did today was correcting the Exercise of Refraction and the Refraction and in class time we did the Transparency worksheet.Next scribe is Lee

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Bending of Light Lab

Hey folks, its James here apparently I'm the class scribe for today. We'll jump right into it by saying today was a simple class. All day we worked on a lab on the bending of light (Pg.352 physics textbook), amazing isn't it. The lab itself was fairly straight forward, dealing with how light bends through water. Aside from the lab we didn't do much in the way of work, however we were given back our waves in two dimension assignment sheets.

The next scribe is...Nguyen

Monday, September 24, 2007

Reflection and Refraction

Today's class, we quickly went over the answers on our assignment nos. 5-8 on the 2nd green booklet. Then we spent almost all of our time watching the video of Reflection and Refraction. Ms. K gave us white sheet to answer while watching and went over it after watching.

Here are the answers for 5-8 on the green booklet:

5. λshallow= 1.1 cm

6. a. n= 1.33

b. Vdeep = 4 cm Vshallow = 3 cm

c. = 22°

7. angle of refraction= 36.9°

8. Vr = 5.6 km/s

...and for the answers on the white sheet of Reflection and refraction, just click the links below:

Waves in 2D: RnR

Waves in 2D: RnR2

tomorrow, tuesday Sept.25, is the due date for the Waves Research Project. Don't forget to hand it in.

the next scribe is.....Jamesa-

Friday, September 21, 2007

Snell's law

Oops, the bunny has disappeared, so I'll blog for today's class. Everyone needed to hand in Waves in 2D assignment 1. We covered the math for Snell's law and saw how the law was derived. The ratio of the wavelengths, speeds, and sines can give the value for the index of refraction, n. This value is just a ratio which means it doesn't have any units. The index of refraction, n, is specific for each type of material (water, glass).

The assignment for the weekend is to complete problems 5-8 at the end of the green booklet. If you're thinking you should realize that question #6 is a repeat of the question we did on the whiteboard.
Remember your 1 page assignment is due on Tuesday. Have a great weekend.
Oh yeah, the scribe for Monday will be

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Class of September 20, 2007.

Eyooo! It's Francis! Today in class we got our drawing rays exercise back along with our Waves in One Dimension Test which we corrected. After that we watched a video about waves and how they reflect off different barriers, it was quite interesting especially with all the funky shapes it made while getting reflected. We also went over pages 9, 10 and 11 in our green "Waves in Two Dimensions" booklet. So if you're stuck just check out those pages, its pretty much all we learned this class. That's my piece!
If I missed anything be sure to point it out.
I believe the next scribe will be bunny. Yuuup, it's bunny.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Physics Class - September 19, 2007.

Hello, my name is Tony and I am apart of your Physics class. I will be scribing for today.

Mrs. Kozoriz looked over and corrected the sheet in which we had to draw the wave ray's, and way front's. In prior to that, we read page 7 within the green booklet. (Grade 11 Physic Waves in Two Dimensions). Not much was done today.

Today in class, Mrs. Kozoriz handed out the following sheets :
  1. Reflection of Circular Waves from a Straight Barrier.
  2. Waves in Two Dimensions - Assignment 1.

Our homework is to complete the sheet Waves in Two Dimensions - Assignment 1 because it's due the following day.

The next scribe will be Francis.

The End of Waves in One Dimension

Alright, sorry about being so late, I'm in a bit of a bind with my computer situation at the moment, as in, I dont have one -_-; But yeah, here's that blog I owed you!

So, basically we corrected that assignement we were supposed to do (This was Monday) those being, the rest of the end of the wokbooklet (Questions 6-14) Ms. Kozoriz. To know you've got the right questions going on, make sure it's Waves in 1D (one dimesion). So if you need to check your answers to the questions, feel free to scroll down to the lovely Ms K.'s slideshow, and have a click around, and it's our time spent on the smartboard that day, figuring this stuff out.

Besides that, all the really happened is we prepared for the test, which occured on tuesday. Now that we're finished with Waves in 1Dimension, it's on to Waves in, yup, you guessed it, TWO dimensions. I'll hand it off to Mr. Lawrence for the honours of blogging about that lesson.

Oh, also, if I forgot anything that we did in this post (as I can be somewhat forgetful) lemme know, and I'll add it in asap.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Waves in 2D

Yeao!!! Lawrence here signing in. Sorry about it being so late but I had a football game and some other things going on within the family plus I had homework so yeah. Thanks for being so considerate Justus ¬__¬''

ANYWAYS, We started off class with a lovely test. Isn't that just dandy.

Then, we received a second booklet entitled: " Waves in Two Dimensions'' and we practically looked at circular waves, which can be generated on the surface of a liquid by a point source such as a drop of water, or a drop of any kind of object for example, your finger. Also, we learned that if a crest or trough is continuous, it's referred to as a wavefront. To show how the wave is traveling, we just simply create an arrow at right angles to the wavefront, in which this line is called the wave ray.

*Pictures can be located in your booklets on the back of the first page.*

Next, we looked at reflections. To put it simply, the wave ray is bounced back at exactly the same angle it hit the barrier, so if it hits the barrier straight on, it'll reflect straight back, thus, if it hits a barrier at a forty-five degree angle, it'll bounce off the barrier at a forty-five degree angle, in which we can presume the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

*Angle of Incidence is the angle between the incident wavefront and the barrier while the angle of reflection is the angle between the reflected wavefront and the barrier.*

It'll look a little something like this :

I think that about does it, and I know its late but just to let you know, we have that paper due next Tuesday as well as homework.

Also, the Next scribe shall be...

Vieteran... Whatever that means...
*cough* Tony *cough*

I say Good day. Ciao

Monday, September 17, 2007

Friday, September 14, 2007

"Chapter 14?! Wow you guys are fast!"

Title quoted from Mr. Substitute teacher that we had today. I must say he's one of the best substitutes I've had in a long time. Very interesting indeed.

Anyway... HELLO! I'm Jadanet, I couldn't scribe yesterday because I had work afterschool, and wouldn't be able to access a computer until after 10. So here I am today! It's late right now too.. but that's okay because it's the weekend :D

So today what we did in class was a CHAPTER 14 Study Guide booklet. Okay... really it was 3 pages, not a booklet persay.. :) It consisted of a brief summary about all the waves and things related to it that we've been covering for the past week. In the format of "fill in the blanks", we used textbooks to aid us. That took a majority of the class period and at the end of it we went over the answers.

Here are the answers if you couldn't catch them:
- mechanical, material, electromagnetic, no, particles, matter, 3, perpendicular, motion, parallel, motion, surface, parallel, perpendicular, single, continuous, vibrating, harmonic.

- shortest, motion, cycles, second, hertz, hz, hz, f= 1/T, T, f, wavelength, lamda(λ), high, low, v=λ·f

- maximum, equilibrium, energy.

- amplitude, frequency, property, equal, equal, incident, transmitted, energy, reflected, most, little, inverted, erect, frequency, amplitude, speed.

- independently, displacement, sum, displacement, superposition, same, greater, shape, size, opposite, zero, destructive interference.

- undisturbed, destructive, displacement, constructive, standing, stationary, standing still.

And that's all we did and covered! I'm guessing we'll be going over reflection, refraction, diffraction and interference of waves on Monday. So study hardy for the test on Tuesday!

Scribe on Monday will be "Hi I'm Justus"! :)

Thursday, September 13, 2007


September 13, 22007

Hi im Stephanie and Jadanet was suppsoe to be todays scribe but she couldn't do it so I am going to fill in for her so that makes me 2nd periods scribe for today and tomorrow Jadanet is scribe.

Today in class we corrected the Vocabulary review.
Here are the answers if you missed it:
1 .Standing wave
2. Period
3. Destructive Interference
4. Node
5. Amplitude
6. Normal
7. Principle of Superposition
8. Transverse wave
9. Antinode
10. Frequency
11. Interference
12. Wave length
13. Angle of incidence
14. Surface wave
15. Constructive interference
16. Trough
17. Diffraction
18. Angle of Reflection
19. Longitudinal wave
20. Wave Pules
21. Refraction
22. Traveling wave
23. Crest
24. Law of Reflection

Then we watched a short video on standing waves.
(diagrams under section D, E, F, G, & H)

After that we looked over the rest of the green booklet.
D. Reflection
E. Wave Transmission in Two Media
F. wave transmission and Partial Reflection in Two Media
G. Wave Interference and the Principle of Superposition
H. Constructive and Destructive Interfernce
I. Standing waves: The formation of a nodes
J. Standing Wave patter: Constructive and Destructive Interfernce.

After that we corrected Wave Problems 1-5

Homework: Wave Problems 6-14

Test on Tuesday! Have fun studying!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Today's class started off by watching a short video on waves. Then we corrected the Waves on a Snakey worksheet and worked on the Wave Properties worksheet. We also got back our Lab Worksheet on The Paper Tower experiment. Lastly, we worked on the Vocabulary Review sheet. Don't forget we might be writing our first test sometime early next week.

Next to scribe is Jadanet.

18 Wave Properties Transparency

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Waves On Snaky

Hey this is Shelly and I'm the scribe for the day. In class we have gone through the questions in "Concepts-Development Practice Page Chapter 25: Vibrations and Waves", or work sheet 25-1 for short. For those who have missed this class here are the correct answers:

1) a. Wavelength = 6.7 cm
b. Amplitude = 1.5 cm
2) Frequency = 0.5 hertz
Period = 2 seconds
3) Statement 1: The period of a 440-hertz sound wave is 0.0023 second
Statement 2: A marine weather station reports waves along the shore that are 8 seconds apart. The frequency of the wave is therefore 0.125 hertz.
4) a. Frequency = 600Hz
b. Wavelength = 0.57m
5) a. Distance = 30m
b. The distance decreases
6) a. Wavelength = 30cm
b. The wavelength decreases
7) Speed = 2m/s
Period = 0.5s
8) Speed = 3m/s
Period = 0.5s
9) Automobile moves towards the listener, the sound of its horn = high pitched
Automobile moves away from the listener the sound of its horn = low pitched
10) Wave frequency

Then we Ms. K got the class (whats left of it) in groups of 3 and assign a lab about the transverse waves and the longitudinal waves that involves the slinky, and in tomorrow 's class we'll continue to work on the lab.

HOMEWORK: Wave Problems: questions 1 -5 page 12 in the handout (Grade 11 Physics: Waves in One Dimension)

Tomorrows scribe will be....... Jenny!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Wave Velocity & Longitudinal Waves

HI this is AznFlame and I'm the scribe for today. Today we started off by correcting the rest of the Period & Frequency Problems worksheet we did in class on Friday. Then we read Parts B & C of the green booklet, were given a formula sheet, and talked a bit about wave velocity & longitudinal waves which produce sound. After that we got 2 worksheets to do for homework which are characteristics of waves: physics 30S, and Concept-Development Practice Page.

Next scribe is Shelly

Types of Waves

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Continuous or Periodic transverse waves

Hello my fellow physics classmates ,
My name is Mark and i am the scribe for last Friday's class. We started off by looking at how waves are formed and some key terms ( the key terms can be found on the first page of the handout). Then after that we looked at the anatomy of a wave which can also be seen HERE. Then lastly we looked at the formulas on how to find frequency and period and worked on some of the questions from the handout.

Do not forget that our homework for this weekend is just to e-mail Ms. Kozoriz.

The next scribe will be .............. Aznflame.

Scribe List

This is The Scribe List. Every possible scribe in our class is listed here. This list will be updated every day. If you see someone's name crossed off on this list then you CANNOT choose them as the scribe for the next class.

This post can be quickly accessed from the [Links] list over there on the right hand sidebar. Check here before you choose a scribe for tomorrow's class when it is your turn to do so.

Hi I'm Justus



Friday, September 7, 2007