Sunday, December 23, 2007

Thursday, Dec.20

On Thursday the 20th it was an easy going class, we haven't done as much as we usually do.
Ms. K just corrected our homework and that was it for the day. so am here to hook you up with the answers in case u missed them.

Sheet # 1 Falling and Air Resistance
1- (most) a) a= 10m/s2
2- (a,b) b) a= 6m/s2
3- (d,e) c) a= 0m/s2
4- (still downward) d) -2m/s2
5- (c,f) e) a= -10 m/s2
6- (c,f) f) a= 0 m/s2

Sheet # 2 Gravitational fields of force relative to earth

1. Jupiter, 26.10 N/kg
2. Pluto, 0.31 N/kg
3. 3.72 m/s2, 3.72 N/kg
4.Venus or Uranus
5. Neptune
6. Mercury
7. m=55 Kg 550N
8. 92N
9. Fg=3321N
10. 26.10 m/s2

sheet # 3 Falling and Air Resistance

1. Air Resistance = Weight
2. Air Resistance/weight is less
3. 0 N
4. Air Resistance= 100N[up]
5. Fnet increases, acceleration increases
6. Gains more speed in 1st second of fall gains more distance in 9th second
7. Fnet is different for both tennis ball and sand tennis ball, has greater Fnet air resistance has more effect on lighter tennis ball, so its acceleration is less

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