Thursday, November 15, 2007

Grade 11 Kinematics

boo.. so I AM THE BLOGGER FOR TODAY =( but anyways..

Today in class we reviewed what we learned in grade 10 science about position, distance, time, displacement, speed, and velocity.
Remember that distance, time speed are all scalar quantities.
Position, displacement and velocity are all vector quantities.

We also went over the assignment given to us last class - "KINEMATICS-FRAME OF REFERENCE"
So here are the answers for those who were not in class today...
Problem A
1. +9km
2. -5km
3. +6km
4. +4km
5. -16km
6. +1km
7. 14km [W]
8. 21km[E]

Problem B
1. 9km
2. 5km
3. 6km
4. 20km
5. 16km
6. 11km
7. 14km
8. 21km

We also started another worksheet (CHAPTER 3 - Study Guide) which we never got to finish during class so i believe we will go over it next class.

so that is all! and next scribe will be .. YONAS..
kaaay.. BAHHH! (:

1 comment:

Ms K said...

Great job Roxanne. Thanks for posting the answers to the worksheet that we covered in class.